well my name is Tabatha Renae-Ranae Cahill... The reason it is spelled differently in both places.. one is on my Birth Certificate and the other on my Social. I live in Oklahoma for now.. My favorite thing to do is to talk and meet new people, I love to listen to music, and play on the computer. My idea of the perfect date, would be to just sit and talk and play a game or something watch a movie, you know.. Quiet time... My favorite food, is believe it or not.. watermelon. I love it.. So sweet and good.. Yummy. If I could change anything about this world it would be the flowers... I think there needs to be more about them, flowers make me smile, they smell good and are so innocent looking. I love to blow bubbles and color. Things like that are so theraputic. Okay I am being bugged by someone who will remain nameless (Here you go Lanny) And so I am going to finish this up for you all to see.. Thanks for having patience with me. I am also going to say a little about my cousin Shannen. She is amazing. She has been thru a lot in her life. But yet she always seems to come on out top. Shannen and I have had our fights just like anyone else.. Although she and I cannot go thru much time without a physcial fight, we never brag about who wins (But I ALWAYS do)

Well I hope you enjoy spending time here... Be sure and E-Mail me.... |  |